Nowadays, when industry and mechanized production seem to have removed the essence and soul of so much, handicraft gains expression. The artistic manifestations that are born by the hands of artisans make more sense than ever and are a true materialization of culture.

Man, over time, developed the ability to create the tools and utensils he needed. Thus, we can say that handicraft has been part of human history, practically since its beginning. It was in the Neolithic period, between 10,000 and 5000 BC, that human beings learned to work stone and weave animal and vegetable fibers, when their first creations appeared.
Nowadays, when industry and mechanized production seem to have removed the essence and soul of so much, handicraft gains expression. The artistic manifestations that are born by the hands of artisans make more sense than ever and are a true materialization of culture.
Each region has its handicraft, and this is like a narrator of the history of the territory it represents. Coastal craft is related to the connection of people to the sea, inland it emerged as a response to people's need to deal with natural adversities. In certain places it recalls the peoples who once lived there, in others it celebrates the uniqueness of the places. Our craft is culture, history and above all it is part of us.
Although so many ancient arts and crafts arose out of necessity, today it is the genuineness of handcrafted products that puts them so in vogue. A craft creation is synonymous with quality and its own identity, this is widely recognized, as evidenced by the certification of so many products. True handicraft uses endogenous resources and comes through the hands of those who master it and know it like no one else.
It is up to us and future generations to keep this heritage alive, not to let these ancient knowledge and arts, which have been passed down from generation to generation, fall into oblivion. Handicraft is, without any doubt, one of the most faithful representations of the populations' culture.
Fonte Descla